After a long duration of 12 years, Microsoft has stopped its support for the world famous operating system Windows XP. In an official declaration, Microsoft said that they are not going to provide any kind of security update or technical support for Windows XP Operating System after April 8, 2014. In interest of the security of their clients they also suggested their clients and partners to migrate to their most latest operating system Windows 8.1. Customers switching to this modern operating system will also enjoy benefits of enhanced security, higher productivity and improved management capabilities.
Note: Support for Office 2003 also ended on April 8, 2014.
What happens if I continue Windows XP after deadline?
PCs running over windows XP after April 8, 2014 will no longer be considered to be protected as they will not receive any type of security updates or patches for vulnerabilities exploited by spywares and malwares. So, in order to receive continued services, updates and support, it is important that users upgrade their OS to most latest and highly enhanced Windows 8.1.
NOTE: Though machines with Windows XP can continue even after the deadline but with end of support makes XP vulnerable and open to new security threats. Users have an option to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.
Why should I upgrade my Windows XP?
By upgrading to Windows 8.1 you make your operating not only safe and secure with security updates and support but will also enjoy the advanced functionalities, modern UI and many more tweaks.
NOTE:Support for Windows Vista, 7 and 8 ends in 2017, 2020 and 2023 respectively.
Want to Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 8.1? Click Here